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Les jeux Montessori, c’est quoi ?

What are Montessori toys ? 

Written by Thomas Gabry
Maria Montessori is a famous doctor who invented the eponymous method. The fundamental principle ...
Le bain de bébé

Baby bath time

Written by Le Renard de Sweety Fox
Baths are important for a baby’s hygiene, but can also be synonymous with relaxation and bonding ...
Pourquoi le temps sur le ventre est-il important ?

Why is tummy time important?

Written by Le Renard de Sweety Fox
It is known to many parents that the time a baby spends on their tummy is important. But do you k...
Les coliques de bébé

Baby colic

Written by Le Renard de Sweety Fox
Infant colic usually occurs between 3 weeks and 5 months of age. It is a perfectly normal, though...