Baby colic

Infant colic usually occurs between 3 weeks and 5 months of age. It is a perfectly normal, though impressive phenomenon that is linked to the development of the microbiota and the intestinal flora. The crying spells usually occur at the same time of the day for about 3 hours per day, 3 days per week for 1 week.
In addition to the crying, colic can be accompanied by certain distinctive signs, your baby may:
- clench their fists and turn red
- stiffen their legs and bring them towards their tummy
- have gas and a hard stomach
- arch their back
- refuse the dummy
- be unable to calm down
We are aware that colic is a recurring problem for babies, causing restless nights and crying. It’s therefore important for us to share our tips with you, which we hope will help you to soothe your baby.
Warmth on their tummy
You can use a warm hot water bottle wrapped in a cloth and place it on their tummy. Make sure the temperature is not too hot for your baby and adjust it for optimum use.
Lots of cuddles
Your baby needs to be comforted and your presence reassures them. Cuddle your baby, take them for a walk. You can position your baby on your forearm, flat on their tummy with their head at your elbow, letting their arms and legs hang down on both sides, to make him comfortable.
Stay calm
A stressful atmosphere can make colic symptoms worse. It's not always easy, but it's important to be calm: your baby will feel it and be soothed. Choose a quiet environment with soft lighting.
Eat better and often...
Hunger can cause crying, so increase the frequency of feeding. In addition, take care to reduce the amount of milk and avoid foods that cause gas, such as broccoli, cabbage and lettuce.
...But also more slowly
Take all the time you need to feed your baby. This helps their body to assimilate food better, thus reducing the risk of gas which is a source of pain and therefore of crying.
The dummy solution
Sucking can help calm your baby. If you are breastfeeding, we recommend a round-ended teat. If you are bottle-feeding, the anti-aerophagia teat is recommended.
Burping after feeding
In order to alleviate the discomfort of the air ingested during feeding, burping is a physiological mechanism that allows the air to be released and thus reduces pain.
Massage their tummy
Don't hesitate to gently massage your baby's tummy with an oil adapted to babies’ skin in a clockwise direction. However, you should wait half an hour after your baby’s meals before doing so.
Give them a warm bath
Help your baby sleep better by giving them a warm bath (95°F to 99°F). You can also put music on in the background to help soothe your baby’s anxiety and calm them.
In short, it is normal to feel overwhelmed, helpless or angry when faced with such crying fits. You need to remember that this is a common and temporary phenomenon that does not harm your child's development. These emotions do not make you a bad parent, but it is important not to get carried away.
If the symptoms persist, if the crying fits do not diminish after 4 months, consult a doctor.